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Palestinians are being Starved by Israel

Subject: Immediate Action Required: Famine in Gaza / Man-made Famine in Gaza / 1 million at risk of Famine / Palestinians are being Starved by Israel / Stop Israel Starving Gaza

Dear [Elected Official / Candidate’s Name],

I am writing to draw your urgent attention to the severe humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. According to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), over 1 million people – nearly half of Gaza’s population – are “expected to face death and starvation by mid-July” (IPC Phase 5).

The FAO has reported that the ongoing situation in Palestine is worsening already catastrophic levels of acute hunger. Starvation and death are occurring alongside an unprecedented death toll, widespread destruction, and the displacement of nearly the entire population of the Gaza Strip.

In mid-March 2024, famine was projected to occur by the end of May in the two northern governorates of Gaza unless the Israeli offensive ended, humanitarian agencies were granted full access, and essential services were restored. These conditions have not been met, and the situation has since deteriorated.

Over one million people are now expected to face death and starvation by mid-July. The FAO also warns of broader regional ramifications of this crisis, which could worsen food security in Lebanon and Syria. As Cindy McCain, WFP Executive Director, has noted, “Once a famine is declared, it is too late – many people will have already starved to death.”

Gaza is being forcibly starved by Israel, with more than 7,000 children already diagnosed with malnutrition. The effects of malnutrition on children are particularly devastating and irreversible, impacting brain development, cognitive function, memory, and motor skills.

The deliberate starvation of a population causes irreversible damage and generational trauma. It is imperative that our government takes immediate and decisive action to address this catastrophe.

I urge you to support the end of the blockade of Gaza to allow full access for humanitarian aid organisations to provide essential support and prevent further starvation and death. This includes ensuring the restoration of essential services, including healthcare, water, and sanitation, to support the immediate needs of the population. Humanitarian corridors must be facilitated and guaranteed to deliver food, medicine, and other critical supplies to the affected areas.

Furthermore, our government must support the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state and the end to the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. This will ensure an end to the blockade on Gaza that has enabled the famine to ensue.

It is also crucial to support the prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice. Sanctions against Israel must be implemented, including ending future arms sales, following the documentation of countless war crimes.

As my elected representative, I implore you to act swiftly and decisively to prevent further loss of life and to ensure a just and lasting resolution for the people of Gaza. The international community must not remain silent in the face of such grave atrocities.

Your constituent,

[Your Name]
[Full Address]