Humanti Project

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Create a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme for Palestinian people affected by war

Create a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme We want the government to take action and create a Visa scheme that allows Palestinian individuals affected by war, to be allowed into the UK. Just like we did for Ukraine. This visa would provide them with an opportunity to seek refuge and reunite with their families safely in […]

Prosecute British Citizens who joined the IOF

Prosecute British Citizens who joined the IOF The UK government is extremely concerned about the conflict in Gaza, and is doing everything possible to support a lasting negotiated ceasefire. The Middle East Peace Process continues to be one of our principal foreign policy priorities.   Section 4 of the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870 makes it […]

Stop Famine in Gaza

Stop Famine in Gaza To avoid email being flagged as spam/junk, please create your own Subject line, using variations of the below: Act Now: Stop Famine in Gaza / Act Now: Stop Israel Starving Gaza / Act Now: UN backs Gaza Famine Classification / Act Now: Starvation in Gaza / Act Now: Israel is Starving […]

Children in Gaza are being Starved

Airdrop Food Into Northern Gaza Please write your own relevant Subject line to avoid flagging as junk/spam. Using a variation of ‘Airdrop Food into Northern Gaza’ Click here to copy Dear …  I trust you are fully aware of the dire humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, as a result of Israel’s continued siege, with Palestinians […]

Children in Gaza are being Starved

Airdrop Food Into Northern Gaza Please write your own relevant Subject line to avoid flagging as junk/spam. Using a variation of ‘Airdrop Food into Northern Gaza’ Click here to copy Dear … I trust you are fully aware of the dire humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, as a result of Israel’s continued siege, with Palestinians […]

Al-Shifa Hospital

Al-Shifa Hospital is under attack Use a heading such as: Israel is field executing Doctors and Nurses as Al-Shifa Hospital / Israel Leaves entire ward of babies to die and decompose / Israel has bombed 285 Healthcare facilities in Gaza, each one is a war crime / Al-Shifa Hospital is under attack. Click here to […]

Sanction Terror State Now

Sanction Terror State Now Please write your own relevant Subject line to avoid flagging as junk/spam. Using a variation of ‘Sanction Terror State Now’ Click here to copy Dear XXXXXXXX,  The interim ruling from the ICJ acknowledges there is plausible evidence for Israel committing genocide in Gaza, based on South Africa’s case. While the court […]


FREE PALESTINIAN ACTIVIST MUNTHER AMIRA During the early morning of 18 December, the Israeli occupation forces arrested Palestinian activist Munther Amira from his home in Aida refugee camp, Bethlehem. Munther is the the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the @aida_youth_center , a community-based organisation supporting the children and youth of Aida refugee camp. He is […]

Stop Israel Abducting and Imprisoning Children

Stop Israel Abducting and Imprisoning Children Subject: Stop Israel Abducting and Imprisoning Children Click here to copy Dear XXXXXXXX, I am writing to express my utmost concern and outrage regarding recent reports of Israeli military forces kidnapping babies in Gaza, and the continued abduction and imprisonment of Palestinian children by occupation forces. A recent incident, […]

The UK is bombing Yemen

The UK is bombing Yemen ​​Subject: URGENT: Stop Bombing Yemen – Immediate Action Required Click here to copy Dear [Local Representative’s Name],  I write to you as a concerned constituent after reading horrifying reports of the UK joining US airstrikes on Yemen. Further violence will not achieve peace. This requires immediate action and intervention. Your […]