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Complicity in War Crimes

Complicity in War Crimes Please write your own relevant Subject line to avoid flagging as junk/spam. Using a variation of ‘Urgent Call to Ban British Citizens Joining the IDF in Light of War Crimes’ Click here to copy Dear XXXXX XXXXX,  I want to express my deep disappointment in your failure to vote in favour […]

Ceasefire Vote

Ceasefire Vote – 21st February Please write your own relevant Subject line to avoid flagging as junk/spam. Using a variation of ‘Ceasefire Vote – 21st February’ Click here to copy Dear XXXXXXXX, On Wednesday, the SNP will bring a ceasefire vote to Parliament in a bid to support an end to military action in Gaza. […]

Stop Arming Israel Debate

UK Israel Arms Sales Please write your own relevant Subject line to avoid flagging as junk/spam. Using a variation of ‘ Stop UK Arming Israeli War Crimes’ Click here to copy Dear [MP’s Full Name],  I am writing to you as a concerned constituent. In light of documented war crimes committed by Israel in the occupied Palestinian […]