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Israel Must End The Apartheid Within 12 Months

Select a subject line: UN: Israel Must End Apartheid Within 12 Months / UN: Israeli Apartheid & Occupation Must End / UN: We Have Obligation to Sanction Israel / UN Member States Obliged to Take Action Against Israel / Israeli Occupation is Unlawful - We Must End It

Dear [Elected Official’s Name],

I write to call on you to support the obligations to uphold international law following the UN General Assembly resolution which affirms the recent ICJ rulings which found Israel to be illegally occupying Palestinian territories and enacting apartheid policies.

The UNGA resolution, which passed by an overwhelming majority, demands that Israel ends its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories in the next 12 months, and lists the obligations of each UN member state to uphold this resolution. 

These obligations include:

  • Recognising that Israel’s Occupation of the Palestinian territories is unlawful, and refusing further aid or assistance
  • Support the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, challenging Israel’s efforts to undermine this
  • Sanction Israel for breaching international law to ensure compliance, as embodied by the Fourth Geneva Convention
  • Abstain from any economic or trade deals concerning any part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including settlements
  • Prevent any trade and investments that assist in maintaining the illegal occupation
  • Bring an end to the systematic discrimination of Palestinians, acknowledging that Israel imposes racial segregation and apartheid – breaching Article 3 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

By failing to abide by these obligations, we remain complicit in the apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide that is currently being carried out on the Palestinian people. 

I look forward to your commitment to upholding international law through these actions.

Your constituent,

[Full Name]
[Full Address]