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Israel shoots dead American activist in the West Bank

Choose one of our suggested subject lines: Israel Kills 26-year old American / Activist Killed by Israeli Forces in West Bank / US Volunteer Shot by Israeli Forces / IDF Shoot American at Protest / US Citizen Killed Protesting Israeli Settlements / Another American Activist Murdered by Israeli Forces

Dear [Elected Official’s Name],

I write to inform you of the killing of 26-year-old American-Turkish activist, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, by Israeli forces. Aysenur was shot in the head during an anti-settlement protest in the West Bank town of Beita, where she had arrived only three days earlier to volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

Israeli forces used live ammunition, stun grenades, and tear gas on the peaceful protestors. In addition to Aysenur’s murder, an 18-year-old Palestinian was wounded by shrapnel. This attack follows the killing of more than 39 Palestinians in the West Bank over Israel’s week-long incursion.

Aysenur is the third ISM volunteer to be killed by Israeli forces—American activist Rachel Corrie was crushed by an Israeli bulldozer in 2003, and British volunteer Tom Hurndall was shot by an Israeli sniper in 2004. Yet, none of these tragedies have resulted in accountability.

While Israel continues its illegal occupation and settlement expansions with impunity, settlers and military forces have engaged in the largest land theft in decades. Aysenur’s murder at a demonstration against settlement expansions comes just six weeks after the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel must dismantle its settlements—which was met with silence from the international community.

This ongoing disregard for international law and human life allows Israel to act without consequence, endangering not only Palestinians but also humanitarians, journalists, healthcare workers, and children.

If international law were upheld, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi would be alive today. The illegal settlements would not exist. The genocidal actions across the illegally occupied territories would have stopped.

I urge you to take immediate and decisive action, as words are ineffective. It is time to hold Israel accountable for its continued violations of human rights and international law by implementing sanctions.

An arms embargo and a two-way trade embargo must be enforced until Israel ceases its illegal occupation, blockade and other human rights violations; this will also add pressure for a ceasefire in Gaza. Recognising the State of Palestine and supporting the prosecution of all perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity is essential.

I look forward to your commitment to upholding international law through these actions.

Your constituent,
[Full Name]
[Full Address]