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Israels Wiping Out Agricultural Land

Choose a Subject Line: Israel is Wiping Out Gaza’s Farmland / Israel Wiping Out Gaza’s Agriculture / Urgent Action Required: Systemic Targeting of Agriculture / Israel’s Starvation Tactics / 75% cropland in Northern Gaza destroyed

Dear [Elected Official’s Name],

I am writing to urgently bring your attention to the systematic violence and targeted Israeli assaults on agriculture in Gaza, which exacerbate the humanitarian catastrophe. Yesterday, farmland with crops growing to feed masses of people in various states of forced starvation was razed and bulldozed by Israeli forces in Beit Lahia – the “breadbasket” of Gaza, with the bulk of farmland production.  

The Israeli government openly acknowledged its intent to weaponise food access in Gaza last year, and now an estimated 75% of permanent cropland in Northern Gaza has been destroyed, pushing the population further into starvation. 

This devastation has not been a fleeting event; it has persisted for 11 months, threatening the survival of millions. The UN has classified the situation as stage 4 starvation, with many facing stage 5 famine.

Approximately 60% of solar sites and irrigation wells have been destroyed, deliberately depriving farmers of essential resources needed to cultivate crops. Ongoing Israeli bombardments and blasting of fields have rendered it nearly impossible for farmers to repair soil and replace damaged crops.

The critical unavailability of fuel, as a result of Israel’s blockade, has made it impossible for farmers to cultivate crops reasonably and at greatly inflated costs. What little equipment remains is insufficient for the demands of modern agriculture, further exacerbating the food crisis.

As farmers work tirelessly to cultivate the land and alleviate hunger in their communities, many have been injured or killed in the fields by Israeli military violence on farmers, further decimating the agricultural workforce.

Following a charity harvest delivered to the Al Shaima school, intended to feed hundreds of displaced families, Israeli forces dropped shells at the entrance, injuring nine individuals and killing one elderly person. This act underscores the ongoing danger that humanitarian efforts face.

October’s siege occurred during a critical season of growth, abruptly ending farmers’ livelihoods and disrupting the harvest essential to feed the people of Gaza in the coming months.

The reality is clear: the agricultural and food production systems in Gaza are being dismantled as part of a broader strategy of collective punishment and starvation – a tactic of genocide under international criminal law. You must takeaction immediately. 

We must impose sanctions on Israel, including a full arms embargo and a two-way trade embargo, until it ceases its illegal occupation and the blockade, and ends its systematic violations of human rights. Aid MUST be allowed in and includeseeds and farming equipment to effectively repair the damage. Recognizing the State of Palestine and holding perpetrators of these heinous acts accountable is essential.

I urge you to stand up for justice and humanity in the face of these atrocities. The people of Gaza are suffering unimaginable hardships, and the time to act is now.

I look forward to your prompt commitment to uphold international law and human rights through these critical actions.

Your constituent,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Address]