United Nations: Israel’s actions “consistent with genocide” 

Select a subject line: United Nations: Israel’s actions “consistent with genocide” / Sanctions Now: UN recognises genocide in Gaza / UN calls on member states to take action against Israel

Dear [Elected Official’s Name],

Following the UN’s human rights office concluding Israel’s conduct in Gaza is “consistent with genocide”, I urge you to condemn Israel’s actions and call for immediate sanctions against the Israeli state, including a two-way trade embargo and a full ban on arms exports and licenses. This is essential in the wake of such a damning conclusion.

Through its siege over Gaza, obstruction of humanitarian aid, alongside targeted attacks and killing of civilians and aid workers, despite repeated UN appeals, binding orders from the International Court of Justice and resolutions of the Security Council, Israel is intentionally causing death, starvation and serious injury, using starvation as a method of war and inflicting collective punishment on the Palestinian population,” the committeesaid.

Its report also documents how Israel’s assault has “unleashed an environmental catastrophe” by destroying essential services, such as water and sanitation, the impacts of which will be felt for a long time after any hypothetical ceasefire.

The Committee has called on all Member States to uphold their legal obligations to prevent and stop Israel’s violations of international law and hold it accountable. “It is the collective responsibility of every State to stop supporting the assault on Gaza and the apartheid system in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem”.

This cannot be ignored. You have a moral responsibility to take action to stop an active genocide. Sanctions must be imposed immediately, in addition to a two-way trade embargo and ban on arms sales and exports.

Your constituent,

[Full Name]

[Full Address]

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